How dumb scam emails and sites looks like

A lot of our friends and family still fell for these very obvious emails, so I'll show some code so you can imagine what they will see, so you can tell them what they should not do.


From behing a VPN, on a linux machine, in a Virtual Machine I accessed the email:


Then downloaded the attachment and opened in a code editor, and found some good old base64 encoded url.

Okay, so now we have an url, so lets try but from terminal with curl. Mostly I use curl for getting the weather (curl from terminal, but it's a handy tool.

Okay, one more link, let's curl that as well.

And nothing, this site is dead probably for the better, or just the subdomain was used. Probably we mised the party or some images and javascript needed by the site didn't worked. Hopefully you can explain in more detail how these scams looks like for people you care about.

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